Sharon High School Rebrand and Environmental Graphics

Sharon High School | Sharon, MA

Sharon High School is located about 30 minutes southwest of Boston, MA. The school is ranked high In the state for education, but the facilities were less than adequate.

In the process of designing the new school, I was tasked with developing a new logo for the school which had made use of many varying eagle icons and had not settled on imagery for a cohesive identity or school spirit.

I created gym floor graphics, common space graphics, and athletics room graphics that tied together the new brand. The classroom wings and community ed spaces also called for wall graphic designs to bring color into the space which I was privileged to design and develop. The classroom wing designs were a collaboration between myself and the students on selecting quotes that represented the values expressed through the school design process of the community and the students who attend SHS.

I also developed the CAD file to create the skylight moss wall shown in some of these photos, bringing a sense of the exterior to the inside of the school.

In addition to creating these graphics, I also documented the construction of the school with monthly drone flight updates.


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